InvestorOutreachCenter DynaCERT (DYA) Case Study
Key Highlights Stock Performance + Volume 324.4% INCREASE IN STOCK PRICE 101.5% INCREASE IN 90-DAY STOCK VOLUME 26K ACTIVITIES COMPLETED ON BEHALF OF DYNACERT 384% INCREASE IN MARKETCAP 44.5% TOTAL OPEN RATE InvestorOutreachCenter’s team achieved an open rate of 44.5% across all email communication. A 24.49% increase above industry average. 50 PRESS RELEASES DISSEMINATED InvestorOutreachCenter’s team curated and disseminated 50 press releases regarding pertinent company news. 13K+ EMAILS SENT InvestorOutreachCenter’s team distributed over 13K+ emails to North American Investment Professionals with tailored and timely messaging. 13K+ TOTAL CALLS InvestorOutreachCenter’s team made over 13K+ calls to North American Investment Professionals under the Dynacert brand.
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